If you became depressed right now, at this very moment, & a psychiatrist told you that you had to take anti depressants for being depressed, would you take them?
Is having a bad day a good excuse to have to take anti depressants?
A friend once told me a very personal experience when I met her. She had been put in a behavioral health facility because her parents thought she had self harmed. They didn't try communicating with with or anything. The main thing that tripped me up about her experience, was the when they met the psychiatrist at the facility. The first thing they did was ask basic questions. After the questions, the doctor automatically prescribed anti depressants.
A stranger who only knows about the "good" of the medicine they give, will always continue their job. They get paid to do it. To me, it sounds like they say, "Oh, you're here, something's wrong with you. Take this, you'll feel better." That sounds like something a doctor should say about a cold or something. Psychiatrists are over prescribing these medications!
They didn't know her. They didn't know what was going on in her life. She did everything she could to stop taking the medication. For my friend, everything else that she learned there was extremely beneficial to her.
All the coping skills that are out there should be what people turn to first. There is such things as therapy, counseling, talking to people, & other ways such as these to help. Everyone should find other ways to deal & cope than to turn straight into medication.