Anti depressants ~

If you became depressed right now, at this very moment, & a psychiatrist told you that you had to take anti depressants for being depressed, would you take them?
Is having a bad day a good excuse to have to take anti depressants?

A friend once told me a very personal experience when I met her. She had been put in a behavioral health facility because her parents thought she had self harmed. They didn't try communicating with with or anything. The main thing that tripped me up about her experience, was the when they met the psychiatrist at the facility. The first thing they did was ask basic questions. After the questions, the doctor automatically prescribed anti depressants.

A stranger who only knows about the "good" of the medicine they give, will always continue their job. They get paid to do it. To me, it sounds like they say, "Oh, you're here, something's wrong with you. Take this, you'll feel better." That sounds like something a doctor should say about a cold or something. Psychiatrists are over prescribing these medications!

They didn't know her. They didn't know what was going on in her life. She did everything she could to stop taking the medication. For my friend, everything else that she learned there was extremely beneficial to her.

All the coping skills that are out there should be what people turn to first. There is such things as therapy, counseling, talking to people, & other ways such as these to help. Everyone should find other ways to deal & cope than to turn straight into medication.

September 10♥

September 10 was World Wide Suicide Prevention Day.

I started an awareness at my school about September 10. I told everyone on Facebook and Twitter to help spread the word. It was to wear yellow in support of those who've thought about, attempted, & ended their lives to suicide.

I didn't do this for publicity. I didn't do it to be known. I just did it to help people out. I stayed up for hours making over 200 Yellow ribbons to hand out at school. It was a success! Everywhere in my school, there where students, teachers, and other faculty members wearing my ribbons.

I helped my school realize the importance of being there for one another. I was simply just raising awereness will show all the hidden faces that they are NOT alone.


Suicide is one of the main problems that might occur to a depressed person

A lot of us know know who's tried to commit suicide. People who cut, burn, do drugs to "escape" and any other self harm is a person who could maybe escalade into thinking those things.

Have you really been there for them as much as you should be?
Wouldn't you want someone to make sure you got the help and attention you need is you where the one harming yourself?

Comparing research between adolescent males and females,
research show that young women are more likely to be depressed,
 and the suicide rate among adolescent males is about six times higher.

Suicide is now the 3rd main cause of death among teenagers aged 14 to 19, taking away more lives per year than AIDS, diabetes, and cancer combined!

What is depression?

Depression is actually considered a disease.

It's because of the chemicals in your brain. According to doctors, it's because the levels of the chemicals are not balanced. That's why they presbribe antidepressants.

Do you belive that you are the way you are because of chemicals and all that fancy medical stuff?
I personally don't believe in it. I think that people are the way they are because of what they go through and what they gain through knowledge.

You think you're alone?

There are so many people going through the same issues. You're afraid to speak out & seek help, But they also feel the same. You think that just because someone has a smile on their face, it means that they're okay?

 Help out your friends, Help out the ones you see who look lonley. I bet they'd like making a new friend.
What if you where alone? Wouldn't you want someone coming up to you to be their friend?  

Talk to people, let them help you if you are just going through anything alone.
Everyone has issues, but don't ever think you're the only one.

About me,

I've always wanted to reach out & actually talk to people.
I know what it's like to go through depression. It sucks i know. But just because your depressed, you shouldn't just go to the doctor & ask for meds.

How many of us know someone one taking antidepressants?

Do you actually believe it's helping them? Have you done your research about it?